Alpha Vision Project
スタディーツアー Study tour
山口大学、学生の参加があり、同地区Nan Thaipimsikan
Feb 2013 Q Happiness Project
We did the inspection study session of Kingdom of Thailand Kanchanaburi, the Sangklaburi district.
There were Yamaguchi University, the participation of the student and visited it in district Nan Thaipimsikan
Thai education child institution.
I did the making of pancake, paperwork and shared time
with children there.
Fair trade
2013年 フェアトレード
2013 Fair Trade
Sangklburi district Mont Village, lakeside workshop
Promotion of sewing and embroidery workshops
With the cooperation of Mr. Wakui, a former Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer, the product has been commercialized.
モンヴィレッジ 家庭作業場 縫製 Mont Village Home workshop sewing
モンヴィレッジ 家庭作業場 裁断 Mont Village Home workshop cutting
ハート エンジェル マルチマテリアル Heart Angel Multi-material
モンヴィレッジ 家庭作業場 縫製 Mont Village Home workshop sewing
Thai Dai
スタディーツアー Study tour
スタディーツアー Study tour
2012年5月 ナン タイピンシカーン チルドレンホーム
スタチディー ツアーにて、同施設訪問 広島在住絵本作家参加
May, 2012 Nantai Pinsikhan Children Home
Kingdom of Thailand Kanchanaburi, Sangklaburi district,
Thai education, child institution visit in the nunnery
By a study tour, I visit the institution
Picture book writer participation resident in Hiroshima